June Announcement: New Poems Published!

Dear Readers, 

I'm happy to announce that a few of my newest poems can be found in The Auroras & Blossoms NaPoWriMo Anthology, 2020 Edition! Available June 23, 2020 -  this is a digital publication that features uplifting verses from poets worldwide. See the description & click on the link below to start reading today. 

Thank you for your continuing support of my poetry, stories and novellas, and for visiting my Author Blog. Have a wonderful day; be safe & well. 


Welcome to a collection of stunning and moving inspirational poetry written throughout National Poetry Writing Month in April 2020.
Come on a journey with us as we explore the works of many diverse and talented poets who each know how to write uplifting words to stimulate our senses and make us feel better about ourselves.
Contributors to The Auroras & Blossoms NaPoWriMo Anthology: 2020 Edition include: Donna Allard, Chandni Asnani, Maria L. Berg, Jamie Brian, Jimena Cerda, Jaewon Chang, Ravichandra Chittampalli, Sandra Christensen, Mimi DiFrancesca, Fiona D’Silva, Kate Duff, Judy Dykstra-Brown, Amanda M. Eifert, Stacie Eirich, David Ellis, Michael Erickson, Deveree Extein, Jack M. Freedman, Alicia Grimshaw, Jenny Hayut, Patrick Jennings, Liam Kennedy, Ting Lam, Rose Loving, Cendrine Marrouat, Michele Mekel, Ally Nellmapius, William Reynolds, Madhumita Sarangi, Anna Schoenbach, Julie A. Sellers, Jonathan Shipley, Dorian J. Sinnott, Krupali Trivedi, Angela van Son, Michele Vecchitto, Penny Wilkes, Gemma Wiseman.
Release date: June 23, 2020


  1. Thank you for sending us your poetry! We look forward to reading your review of the anthology!


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